Aflysning af LUND 2022
Vi har desværre modtaget følgende information fra Lundaspelan 2022´s organisation. Dette betyder at Lundaspelan for 2 år i træk har måtte aflyse deres turnering pga. Covid-19 pandemien.
Hello Basketball friends!
Lundaspelen is forced to cancel 2022.
In order to counteract the increased spread of infection in society, both in Sweden and in neighboring countries IK EOS have decided, for the second year in a row, to cancel Lundaspelen.
The board of IK Eos Basket have not had an easy decision to make, for many Lundaspelen is the highlight of the year and after last year’s canceled games we all were looking forward to the 43rd games. Current restrictions and recommendations from, among others The Swedish Public Health Agency and Region Skåne’s infection control doctors mean that we feel that we as organizers must take our responsibility to minimize the spread of infection in society.
The risk of infection spreading with so many people in the same place is big. Even if the associations follow the recommendations and check Vaccination ID for all spectators, the risk remains with an increased number of young people in sports halls and elsewhere in the city. In addition, most of our participants are in the ages where the spread of infection is greatest right now.
Lundaspelen are usually carried out with the help of hundreds of volunteers from IK Eos. It is these people who make the high quality of the tournaments maintainable. With current recommendations, for example, staying home in case of any symptoms, there is a high risk of not having enough officials available.
– All leaders, players and officials think it is very sad not to be part of Lundaspelen, but the risks are too great that we won’t be able to maintain the quality and we want Lundaspelen to be a positive experience for everyone, just as it has been in over 40 years, says IK Eos’ club director Björn Göransson.
The board have made their decisions given the situation right now but have also considered that if further restrictions were introduced closer to the tournament, the consequences for everyone involved would have been much greater.
There are over 400 teams registered, and all of these will now aim for 2023 instead, when we hope to see our city filled with young basketball players again.
It is so sad that we had to cancel the Lundaspelen 2022, but we hope that you understand our decision